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20 avr. 2021
The studio of the artist Zoia Skoropadenko situated on Ile de la cite just in front of Notre Dame. She was painting Notre Dame de Paris for years from her window.
When in 2019 happened fire of Notre Dame Skoropadenko started a new series Notre Dame Brule sketching and painting the aftermath of the tragedy.
She created more than 300 drawings and 100 paintings of restauration of Notre Dame. Each time she is in her Parisian studio Skoropadenko depicting the progress of the reconstruction.
23 avr. 2019
THE HOPE in collection of The Ukrainian National Chornobyl Museum
After disaster nature returns.
The Hope, a statue of a small bird perched on a rock, captures that moment when nature returns to reclaim.
The tiny bird has no fear of what has gone before and looks out onto a new world.
The Hope sculpture is sited in Soma City in Fukushima Province in remembrance of the Tsunami and nuclear disaster. Another The Hope is situated in front of National Chernobyl Museum in Kyiv.